Fiat 500 Record Breaking June Sales

Fiat 500 Lounge

Fiat 500 sales have set another record for the fifth month in a row. Sales of the various Fiat 500 models reached 4,004 units, just eking by last month's previous record breaking 4,003 cars. This brings the amount of Fiats sold in the US during the past six months to 20,706 cars, exceeding 2011's year end total of 19,769 cars. The Fiat 500 went on sale in March of 2011, so last year sales are for a ten month period, but it still gives an idea where sales are going.

Fiat has gathered a lot of momentum since the beginning of the year, kicking off with attention grabbing commercials, hitting Facebook and social media hard and revising their website. This summer promises to be an exciting one for Fiat owners, with the Abarth Experience about to commence, more accessories coming into the dealers via Mopar and Magneti Marelli and the upcoming Fiat FreakOut, the national Fiat convention that starts August 2 (read about it here). Go down to a Fiat Studio, grab a car and get in on the fun!

Fiat 500 Current Month Last Year Vol Change Current YTD Total Last Year YTD Total Vol Change
4,004 1,803 122% 20,706 4,944 319%
4,003 1,759 128% 16,702 3,141 432%
April 2012 3,849 882 336% 12,699 1,382 819%
March 2012 3,712 500 642% 8,850 500 1670%
3,227 0 New 5,138 0 New
1,911 0 New 1,911 0 New
