Here is the first official video of the Fiat 500L, the newest car in the Fiat 500 range. The Fiat 500L - the L standing for 'Large' - is a much larger car than the standard Fiat 500 - about 23 inches longer. The roomy four door will be a benchmark in its segment for interior roominess and has a trunk capacity of approx 14 cu.ft. enabling the Fiat 500L to hold up to 5 travel suitcases or a full-size push chair.
The car features a light and airy interior, with seemless glass all the way around and the largest glass roof in its catagory. Thirty exterior colors will be offered, so expect a great deal of customization to be available.
The Fiat 500L is scheduled to arrive in European showrooms by the end of the year and in US Fiat Studios sometime shortly after in 2013.
It seems like Fiat was able to keep a bit of originality even though is has resemblance with the Mini. It has a pretty good design I think.