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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The 500 Abarth is Coming

500 Abarth is coming
The Fiat 500 Abarth will make its debut next week, November 16 at the LA Auto Show. I will be covering this long awaited event here on the blog and also posting live from the show on the Facebook page.

Make sure you go to the Facebook page and "Like" us and then keep an eye on it all during the big day!


Johnny Flosser said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris -

Looking forward to your Abarth reports from LA - I know you must be excited about the trip. I'm curious about a few things:
1) will it be offered with paddle shifters?
2) will built-in nav be available?
3) will there be something like an esse esse kit, and if so, what will it consist of?
4) for 1-3 above, will they be available at launch, or at a specific later date?
Hope you'll be able to find this stuff out.
Thanks, and enjoy the trip,
Bill Koff (spindoc)