Abarth Videos

Here are a few Abarth videos to get your blood racing...


  1. Very cool and I saw Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear test drive one and loved it.

    Any indications of when we'll begin seeing any additional info on the US version of the basic 500?

  2. ciddyguy said...
    Very cool and I saw Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear test drive one and loved it.

    Any indications of when we'll begin seeing any additional info on the US version of the basic 500?...

    Hi ciddyguy,

    I haven't heard anything yet, but rest assured there is A LOT of work going on behind the scenes. I anticipate something/news within the next few weeks.

    June will be roughly 6 months before launch, so that sounds like a good time frame to let the info start flowing, but that's my hunch.

    When I hear something I'm able to talk about I'll let everyone know;)

  3. Dear Chris,

    These videos and the post on Carlo are great. (Don't want to read too much between the lines, but you are giving the Abarthfisti hope!)---Wanted to share with everyone that I received a nice e-mail from the CEO of North American ops for Hamann stating they are working on modifications for the 500 and would be glad to add folks to e-mail for updates on what will be available....


  4. How much longer? this is killing me. Question thought. Did you say the the abarth will not be available till 2012? And if so what kind of mods will we be able to make?


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